Lost Anchorage - A Ghost Story

Lost Anchorage

A Ghost Story 

As Told By

Guy as The Dungeon Master
Gene as Ricmo the Halfling Thief
Daniel as Merus the Elven Ranger and Whisperleaf the Elven Druid
Paul as Dakhir the Tiefling Warlock and The Sturg
Tony as Fantastic Freddy the Tiefling Bard

Chapter 1: On the Heels of a Storm

Chapter 2: Whist with the Living Dead

Chapter 3: Shadows Lengthen 

Chapter 4: The Music of the Spheres

Chapter 5: Interpreting Dreams

Chapter 6: Shadows Rise

Chapter 7: Into the Underworld

Chapter 8: The Wood of Suicides

Chapter 9: A Song for Ophelia

Chapter 10: Going Home


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