A Dungeons and Dragons Pirate adventure. Herein we chronicle the pirate adventures of
the Thief Ricomo,
the Druid Whisperleaf,
the Ranger Marus,
the Warlock Dakhir,
the Fighter "The Sturg"
the Bard Fabulous Freddy
and the Artificer Tello.
as they sail to the Far Side of their world in search of the elusive witch Black Alice
Lost Anchorage - A song for Ophelia
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The tree was different from the others. Rotted, decayed, little more then a huge stump really. A sick green glow emanated from the hollow interior. It was the glow that had attracted them wandering lost in the forest, as they discovered that even Marus' woodcraft had it limits.
Carefully Whisperleaf walked toward the stump. There was something off here, his druidical senses were tingling. Something wrong, unnatural. Not that this forest was natural, but this felt...diseased.
"Greetings" the nasally voice seemed to come from inside the stump. "Travellers, excellent, how fortuitous!"
Whisperleaf responded with a careful "And greetings to you...stranger. As you say we are travelers, and have lost our way, perhaps you can offer guidance?"
Marus frowned but said nothing. Clearly she was also getting a strange vibe from the tree.
"Oh indeed, indeed I can offer guidance on many things. And power. And riches. Whatever you desire. But first you must do something for me".
"That's the way of it, is it?" said Dakhir. "How unsurprising".
The stump chuckled, an evil sound.
"Nothing difficult, nothing difficult I promise. I came to this place for peace and quiet. And to avoid certain...entities that would deprive me of it. Even now they search for me, if you could perhaps, lead them astray? Or better yet destroy them, if that is within your power? I could make it worth your while."
"Ahh the 'lost lamb' I do believe we have met the individual who is looking for you" said Dakhir, the light dawning. "She claims you owe a debt, that you are attempting to flee your obligations."
"I won't deny it! However I see that you are familiar with the kind of debt I owe, the kind of bargain I have struck. When your time to pay arrives, certainly you will also seek an escape clause? And I found one, yes I did, I could teach it to you. I could teach you many things..."
Meanwhile Ricmo jumped up onto the rim of the stump and peered inside. "Inquisitive Halfling!" Whisperleaf could not help but chuckle."What do you see?"
"Bones" said Ricmo. "Old bones. Glowing. No treasure, but it could be hidden, would need to search"
"It's impolite to loot the body of the dead while having a conversation with it's spirit" remarked Whisperleaf. Ricmo considered those words, frowned. "Afterward then" he said cherily and hopped down.
The party moved a little distance away to discuss options.
"I don't trust either of these creatures." stated Marus. "We should not become involved."
"I certainly don't trust this dead warlock or whatever he is." remarked Whisperleaf.
"A bargain was struck." said Dakhir. "He should fulfill his side of the bargain, no matter the cost." he looked sad for a moment.
"Kill and loot them both, worlds a better place?" suggest Ricmo
"I agree with Dakhir" said Radiant Lightbringer. "Oaths are sacred."
After a few more minutes of debate, a consensus was reached and Dakhir was elected to put the plan in motion. "You have the most experience in such things"
Dakhir walked further away from the stump and touched the red spot on his arm that the strange winged creature had left.. "We have found your lost lamb" he murmured.
For a moment nothing happened, then, a wind, the sound of mighty wings...
"Have you now, how wonderful!" the creature purred.
Dakhir motioned toward the stump off in the distance.
"Oh my, and so you have!" the creature sounded delighted. "How marvelous! Such a clever little mortals he was, so ingenious how he has hidden from me all these years! I really will enjoy discussing it with him!"
The winged figure turned as if you move toward the stump, and then paused
"Oh yes" she purred. "The matter of your reward. What can I do for you, cousins-child thrice removed?"
"Nothing much, we need directions on how to reach the tower."
"That is easily done. I do not feel it will discharge my debt however, and I would not stay indebted."
"Any advice on how to rescue the Lady Ophelia?" asked Ozraeline
"The path to her is guarded by aspects of her pride and sorrow." whispered the winged creature. "They will not let you pass. You cannot defeat them in battle."
"Then how?" asked Whisperleaf.
The shadowy figure considered the question, violet eyes moving over the party. Finally her gaze rested on Freddy.
"Say, are you Fabulous Freddy?" she asked
Freddy gave a half bow.
"I love your music." she purred
"Thank you my lady." Freddy responded. "I do my best to entertain"
"He is the key. Music has great power in this place. A song for Ophelia. That might well be your key"
Freddy nodded, mind already choosing melodies.
"And now is that all?" asked the shadow
"Wait." said Ozraeline. "I could really really use some new armor. If that is ok. Please."
Dakhir winced.
The shadow stared at the Tiefling for a moment and then laughed. "And so you shall have it my dear. It's current occupant has no further need for it. "And she pointed down a path out of the clearing to the right, a path which all of them were sure had not been there a minute ago.
"Follow that path and it will take you to where you wish to go. And you will also find your gift along it"
"And now, I believe our business is concluded and our ledger balanced. I have a lost lamb to attended to" and she floated away toward the stump. After a moment, they all heard a muffled "Oh Hells" from the stump.
A few hundred yards down the path they came across a skeleton in black chainmail, resting his back against a tree. The mail was dark and weighed but a feather, composed of some unknown material. Ozraeline politely addressed the corpse. "I have more need of this then you, my friend, thank you for your bequest."
They continued down the path for several more hours, as it wound it's way through the trees. Marus taking the lead, the men at arms the rear. Suddenly, Marus held up her hand. "Something approaches"
The party and the men at arms took up a combat formation, as whatever it was drew near. After a few moments they could make our words, a conversation
"You have made a very wise choice Fiddlesticks. Your momma always said you were a smart lad. No reason why a promising, clever lad like you should be stuck down here. Just let Papa take care of things, we will get you back up to the sunlit world soon enough. Where we can accomplish great things together my boy, great things! Ça c'est bon!
"Ça c'est bon Mr Carrefour"
"You can call me Papa, everyone calls me Papa. We ami, eh?"
"Papa there is someone on the path" as the two figures came around the bend and into sight.
"Mais" said the older one in surprise, a richly dressed older man, handsome, tall and imposing. The younger of the two had a somewhat bewildered expression on his face, and a violin in his hand.
After the surprise passed, a delighted expression swept across the face of the older man, who didn't seem even a little nonplussed at the hedgehog of pikes, swords, crossbows and other weaponry being presented toward him
"Avanturyés, how wonderful and unexpected! Well met friends, well met! I am Papa Carrefour perhaps you have heard of me, and this is my associate Fiddlesticks" The young man gave a half bow.
Dakhir and Whisperleaf exchanged glances. The name was vaguely familiar but neither could place it, despite their vast arcane backgrounds.
"Well met?" Dakhir replied cautiously.
"How wonderful to meet travelers, and in this of all places. What in the seven hells brings you down here, my friends?"
"We have business" replied Dakhir cautiously.
"Indeed indeed, must be quite the business, eh Fiddlesticks" Papa chuckled. "Hey, perhaps it is something Papa can help you with? Perhaps this meeting is not chance, eh?".
"No thank you" said Dakhir carefully, while wracking his brains as to where he had heard the name "Papa Carrefour" from.
"You are sure? I am happy to help"
"For a price I am sure" replied Dakhir
"Of course, as you know well there is always a price" said Papa, grinning hugely and displaying large immaculately white teeth.
"No thank you" said Dakhir.
"Any of you others? No? Well maybe next time? Onwards we go Fiddlesticks" said Papa. And the two strange characters walked off into the forest.
"That was odd" said Ricmo. Whisperleaf shrugged. "The Shadow is a strange place, no doubt. "
"I suspect we will be seeing them again" mused Freddy.
As the party continued travelling, eventually Darcy's tower took form out of the mists, lights glowing in the windows.
The group paused for a moment to take stock before entering the doorway. Before they had a chance to move however, the door swung open, and Darcy Wentworth emerged. No longer transparent and ethereal, but solid, apparently in the flesh.
"You have come!" he exclaimed. "I tried desperately to guide you, but I had little hope I would be successful. It is difficult for me to reach up into the sunlit lands from here. Now, for the first time in an age, I have hope again!"
"Indeed brother, the glory and light of Mithra has reached even unto this dark place and sent us to redeem your lost souls" said Radiant Lightbringer.
"I'm glad he's feeling better" murmured Ricmo to Whisperleaf as an aside. "Almost back to normal" replied the Druid.
Darcy was happy to share what knowledge he possessed, which turned out to be relatively scanty. He had originally come down into the underworld to attempt to rescue Ophelia, only to discover she had little interest in returning to the living world.
"She has gained great power here, how I know not, but she rules this place. Her will, and her dreams have the ability to remake the very land itself, her power outmatches mine like I outmatch a child. She sits enthroned as a queen in darkness, and I cannot reach her anymore. I have tried many times to convince her to leave this dark place, and each time I have failed."
"How do we reach her?" asked Marus.
"Across the river of her tears, through yon portal." Darcy pointing
"But beware. The water of the river brings forgetfulness and the way is guarded. I will come with you, and attempt to help you sway her"
Carefully the heroes made their way to the riverbank and down it toward a small boat that was pulled up on the near bank. The water was quiet, but they could hear the sound of the white angelic figure weeping from her perch on the bank, her tears slowly dripping into the water
On the other side of the bank across from the boat, next to the glowing portal, a huge black colossus loomed, black metal, dark wings and a huge sword at the ready. Guarding the way.
The boat was too small for all of them to cross at once. After some discussion, the Sturg, Dakhir, Ricmo and Freddy volunteered for the first crossing. Careful to splash not a drop of water into the boat, The Sturg rowed them across the narrow river, with confident powerful strokes. The weeping angel ignored them entirely, but the dark angel's hooded head turned to watch as the boat beached and Dakhir, Ricmo, and Freddy disembarked.
Carefully, The Sturg turned the boat around and headed back for the second set of passengers. The river was silent save for the sounds of weeping and the steady pull of the oars. As the Sturg reached the middle of the river however, the tranquil water directly in front of his path was suddenly disrupted by a a great churning and frothing. Marus farsighted, called a warning from the bank. And a great figure arose from the depths.
The Sturg was perturbed. He didn't really care much for water. He liked solid ground under his feet and a blade in his hand. And now he had to fight a giant from a rickety rowboat, floating on some enchanted river. Internally he sighed. Oh well. It was what it was. He stood, balancing, bracing his feet between the seats of the boat and reading sword and shield.
From both banks of the river, ranged weapons sang out. Ricmo was firing, a pistol in each hands. Dakhir's hellfire blazed forth. Marus' great bow sang. And Captain Saint John's crossbowmen were firing as fast as they could, heavy crossbows singing. Even Ozraeline had unlimbered her light crossbow, Last Resort as she called it, and was shooting for all she was worth.
The giant bellowed in pain. He swung one giant fist at The Sturg, who managed to turn it partially by clever use of his shield, still taking a heavy blow. However The Sturg was not the source of all these painful pinpricks. The Giant lost interest in the boat, and with a few huge strides waded closer to the larger group on the near shore. He took a deep breath, and he breathed out cold green fog over the men at arms, Marus, Lightbringer and Whisperleaf.
The green fog was deadly, skin exposed to it quickly blistered and boiled, eyes burned. While Marus' quick reflexes allowed her to take some shelter behind a nearby tree, and Radiant's armor offered some protection, Whisperleaf especially suffered greatly from it. He howled in agony as skin peeled and burned.
And as for Saint John and his men at arms, it was fatal. They died to the man where they stood.
Still whimpering in agony, Whisperleaf countered with magic of his own. On the rear of the boat a great python phased into existence, striking quickly and wrapping it's coils around the giants huge form.
As the two colossal creatures struggled, brute strength versus brute strength, the party continued to rain pain and death down on the giant. Ricmo's pistol shots echoed throughout the forest, barrels glowing a cherry red as he shot them over and over. Dakhir's fire lit up the trees and Marus great bow thrummed and thrummed.
With a roar of rage and a final prodigious effort, the giant ripped the snake loose, grabbing it with both his huge hands and, great muscles straining, he pulled it into pieces. And then, with a confused look on his huge face, pierced with a hundred wounds, he sighed, and died. And sank back into the river leaving not a trace.
After taking a few moments to catch their breath, the party crossed the river uneventfully and stood before the great black statue. As Ricmo made a move toward the portal, the huge sword flashed down barring the way.
"You cannot pass. She does not want to see you" the metal statue stated in a cold female voice.
"It is I, Darcy" Darcy replied.
"She does not want to see you. She does not want to see anyone. She does not need anyone".
Freddy stepped forward.
Ever since the strange winged creature had given him the tip about music, Freddy had been feverishly composing. It was amazing how that worked sometimes, in the middle of all this danger and distraction he'd been quietly having an amazingly creative songwriting session inside his own head. Strange, it seemed so easy down here, words came to him, music flowed, the creative juices seemed on fire. And Ophelia was such a good subject for a song, her loneliness, powerlessness, pride, her helpless rage, her passion and sorrow. It was almost like the words and melodies entered his mind fully formed, that he was just a conduit for them.
He walked up to the huge statue. "She'll want to see me" Freddy said confidently. "She likes music, Vangeline said. And I wrote her a song, just for her". His fingers strummed the strings of his guitar and he started singing.
"There's a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold"
And the angel listened. And the sword was withdrawn and the gate was opened
In our previous post on D&D and Pirating ( What is a pirate adventure? ), I decomposed the pirate narrative into it's core thematic elements, talked about what success looks like in a pirate campaign and walked through some of the obstacles that I needed to overcome to do achieve that success. In this post I will discuss key world building elements that foster the emergent thematic properties I want, then make specific suggestions around 5E game mechanics, specifically managing the magic system and ship combat. Pirate Worldbuilding The goal of this section is to provide a generic world building recipe that, if applied, should result in a realistic and internally consistent fantasy world that supports the key pirate themes I identified in the previous article. As I have discussed before, this is by no means the only way to include Pirates in your game. It's also not the only to generate a detailed and internally consistent fantasy world. It is however a ...
"Well, the Mithran nuns seem to have driven them off," Dakhir reported, lowering his hands and letting the spell fade. From far down the boulevard, he could see flashes of white light, far away, but even at this distance, so bright it was painful to look at directly. "The ones that are still alive anyway you cooked so many of them it smells like a fried chicken buffet over by the river," Ricmo replied, impressed. "Firing cannon on an unarmed civilian crowd, I am not shedding any tears for them," Freddy replied grimly. "They killed scores of unarmed men, women and children before we interfered." "The interference was certainly moral," Tello agreed. "However, I wonder what we have interfered IN exactly." A swirling gale announced Whisperleaf's arrival. He was difficult to see when he took the form of air, but there was enough dust and smoke around to outline the ten-foot tall conical whirlwind that was Whisperleaf. The s...
Dungeons and Dragons and Pirates! What could possibly go better together? It's like peanut butter and chocolate right? Well, as scores of failed supplements have shown, it's actually a trickier mashup then you would think. While the spirit and style of the pirating in the age of sail is a natural and additive match to Dungeons and Dragons genre, there are a number of complications that can easily wreck or divert such a campaign. Unless you as a dungeon master are aware and proactive in your world building and scenario generation, you are likely to miss the mark of your expectations. The purpose of this series of three posts is to share some of the learning from running such a campaign (now entering it's second year of continuous play) and provide a basic storytelling framework and toolkit for navigating the choices and trade offs presented. First I will decompose what a pirate adventure IS into its core themes, what kind of gaming style and campaign world best suits it, ...
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