Escape from Hightower Bay
Well he didn’t have much fight in him” said Ricmo as he watched the burning Air Elemental fall from the sky. “Looks like the wizard has skedaddled and left his elemental friend to take the fall” “It was him versus an entire heavily armed warship, I think he was expecting maybe just Firebeard. Discretion, meet better part of valor” said Freddy . “Plus Dakhir’s fireballs sting something fierce” Dakhir just grinned and blew on his finger tips “Let’s give him some company on his journey” said Whisperleaf. Druidic chants fell from his lips and two gigantic eagles formed out of the mist “Find the mage. Kill him” The eagles took flight . DirtyBird flapped into the air to join them "Come on boys" he screeched. "Let me show you how it's done". Marius called out from her perch in the crows nest of the foremast. “Longship coming from ahead, another from behind. They mean to catch us in a crossfire” “Raise anchor you squabs, get some sail on her!” bellowed Firebeard at the...