Hightower Bay

After arriving at Hightower Bay, our heroes left the ship that had been their home for over a month and said farewell to their crew mates with more then a little sadness. It is said you never forget the first ship you served on,  and the Prosperity had been a good ship and Jerrick a good captain. 

Still after a month at sea they were more then ready for some time on land and High Towne seemed a bustling and exciting change of pace. The smell of food and drink was the first thing to greet them, for the merchants and taverns of Hightower did not waste any time catering to newly arriving seafarers. The Lucky Kraken Inn was located right on the beach across from the docks and was the epicenter of a neverending party.

As the Druid Whisperleaf was haggling with a dockside fruit vendor over some badly needed citrus he noticed a tiny monkey wearing a jacket watching the fruit basket with mournful eyes. Whisperleaf, never one to leave an animal suffering, bought an extra apple and offered it to the monkey.

“Ooook!!!” the monkey exclaimed gratefully, woofing down the fruit. Whisperleaf noticed the monkey’s jacket looked decidedly nautical and recollected that the pirate Firebeard was said to keep a monkey as a pet. Could it be? Quickly the Druid chanted the spell that enabled him to converse with animals 

“OooookOoooookkkhelluva apple, gods I am so hungry please give me another”

Whisperleaf gravely handed the monkey another apple while stating “ooookkaachhhhk” which in monkeyspeak meant “Certainly”

As the monkey and Whisperleaf hooted at eachother excitedly Dakhir pulled up a stool at the bar, sat and buried his head in his hands. He looked sideways at RicMo who was perched on one of the special extra high halfling stools next to him. “Low profile we said. Don’t attract attention we said. Mr Skulk that spymaster of the Baron has agents everywhere we said. Find the Captain, steal the Lady Jezebel, get away clean we said. And what does he do literally first thing after stepping off the ship?” 

Whisperleaf hooted loudly and started jumping up and down scratching his armpits with both hands 

Ricmo smiled back at Dakhir. “Well. Druid. Wachagonnado? He can't help it anymore then Freddy can help that" Ricmo pointed over to the corner where Fantastic Freddy was seated, strumming a tune and, as usual, surrounded by women.  "Look at the bright side everyone is paying way more attention to those two drunken half orcs at the end of the bar. Looks like that one is about ten seconds away from trying to brain the other one with that stool”. “Barkeep two pints of yer best for me and my friend! Sturg do you want any?"

The Sturg just stood there. It's what he did.

"Some say he doesn't eat or drink" said Dakhir. "He survives only by consuming the souls of the creatures he has slain. Others say on the night of the full moon his helmet detaches from his armor and flies through the air trailing tentacles. And it feeds. All I know is he is called The Sturg.” The Strurg did not reply.

The monkey and Whisperleaf suddenly stopped their jumping. Whisperleaf handed the monkey another apple, the monkey scampered off a little ways and laid the apple on the ground and let loose with a tremendous "OOOOOOK".  After a few moments a large green and red parrot swooped down landed and began eating the apple. Whisperleaf started cawwwcawwing to the parrot, who answered in between bites. 

The large burly sailor at the bar next to Ricmo nudged the halfliing" Oye what's his deal then?"

"Too long at sea." Ricmo replied. "Went a little funny on us but he's a good topman so" shrug.

"Aww yar happens, had a mate thought he was  dog once" the sailor replied then went back to his drink.

Whisperleaf sauntered over a pleased expression on his face. 

Dakhir gave him a look which said "I am afraid to even ask".

"Crew. Last survivors of Firebeards crew. That one is called Blundermonkey and the other one is Dirty Bird. They say the rest are dead except for their Lieutenant and Firebeard himself".

"Dirty Bird?" said Ricmo

"Avast ye limp dicked arseholes the first pox shitting whoreson shirks his duty I will literally fuck you to death with this cat 'o nine' the parrot screamed.

"Ahh" said Ricmo

"His language is a bit colorful but they both seem devoted to the Captain and can probably provide some information. They said they will take us to their commanding officer" said Whisperleaf

"Perhaps somewhere a bit less public" suggested  Ricmo. "You aren't exactly not attracting attention you know..." 

 The monkey and parrot led the party down the beach a ways until they found a deserted dune next to some old fishing shacks, deserted except for a black cat. Blundermonkey hopped up on a bag filled with fishbones

Ricmo looked around "Seems deserted good place to talk, so where is the CO....hey wait a sec don't tell me it's the cat. It's the cat isn't it?"

"Lieutenant Kitty to be precise. Claims to have been second in command of the good ship Lady Jezebel". 

Dakhir groaned. The cat mewed. "Suck my cockhole!" the parrot screached

"Animals can provide surprising amounts of information if you know how to ask them" said Whisperleaf. Marius nodded. The Strug just Sturged over in a corner.

"These beasts have actually been trying to track down their Captain." explained Whisperleaf. "Without a great degree of success unfortunately but they can confirm how Firebeard was taken prisoner. Evidentially he took a prize a few days north of here, up the coast, a fat merchantman from Hightower Bay. The captain of the merchant ship offered information in order to save his life, the Baron was preparing a treasure shipment to Valoria to pay for more arms and armor"

"That makes sense" said Ricmo. "The Night Watch told us the Baron was becoming filthy rich off the tolls he is extracting on the merchants trading the Opal Coast, and clearly this town is way too small to be able to afford the number of soldiers and ships we've seen or to even be able to properly equip them. He must be importing arms and armor from somewhere"

"Made so much sense that Firebeard immediately sailed to intercept the treasure ship, which was right where it was suppose to be. He fired across her bow, ordered her to heave to, which she did, and boarded. At which point the trap was sprung, scores of Hightower Guard led by the Major himself poured up out of the hold. Firebeard cut the lines and tried to run for it, but a couple of longships that were hiding nearby popped out along with the wizard Quickcap and Firebeard was nabbed"

"Ouch" said Ricmo.

"Yeah they made the crew sail the LadyJ back to the Bay. anchored her, then executed the lot. Except for Firebeard himself, Quickcap figured the ship to be magical and wanted to extract her secrets from Firebeard."

"Ouch" said Ricmo. Why are people always so unreasonable about these things? Little piracy among friends, no harm, no foul"

"The animals say Firebeard is definitely in that keep somewhere but they don't know where."

After a few more discussions, more threats of imminent buggery from Dirty Bird and a negotiation of fresh fish for aid with Lieutenant Kitty, the party decided to split up. Dakhir, Whisperleaf and Marius would explore the town and as much of the castle as they could obtain easy access to. Freddy and Ricmo would see about lodgings, likely in the Hightower Arms since it was the larger of the two inns in town. The Sturg, being far and away the most noticeable of the group in his six and half feet of all black plate mail and helm, would stay on the beach and stand around in a Sturgly way. Radiant Lightbringer elected to stay back with Sturg, as the party walks away they can hear him say "Let me tell you brother, about our lord Mithras"

High Street (the only street)

the Town Square (i.e. wide spot in the road) and The Hightower Arms. Here the party splits, Ricmo and Freddy go to seek lodging

A squadron of the Baron's Horse out for patrol

You know, nothing says "This town has class" like pig carts in the street" said Dakhir. .

At the castle gates, Dakhir, Marius and Whisperleaf pause while pretending to watch a band busking. "That place is pretty buttoned up" said Dakhir. They aren't letting anyone in and out without a reason

That must be the military docks, and the Baron's ships "whispered Marius. These guards are pretty well disciplined, and they have seen combat" she observed.

Meanwhile in the inn, Fantastic Freddy draws some stares as he walks in. This inn clearly has a military theme, banners and trophies of the various units of the Hightower Guard cover the walls and the crowd seems distinctly soldierly. Freddy and Ricmo don't let it bother them and  saunter up to the bar

"Barkeep!" Ricmo jumps up and sits on the bar, raps on it. "Your best suite for seven please and two of your best ales."

Fantastic Freddy winks at a pretty barmaid. She smiles, stops, does a double take

"Can help ya with the Ale friend but not with the room, all full up I am afraid. Lots of ships in port".

The barmaid mouths "Fantastic Freddy!" 

"Surely you can do something for us friend." wheedles Ricmo. "Why my friend here is a world renowned bard, famed across Valoria. He'd be happy to play a set or two, be a big draw..."

The barmaid grabs the arm of another barmaid. They point and gasp. Freddy winks again and strums a chord nonchalantly

"Bard is he? Got lots of bards" says the barkeep. "Don't really need another one." All three barmaids gasp simultaneously, then march in mass over to the barkeep and pull him aside. Frantic whispering commences. Freddy whistles a tune. One of the barmaids hits the barkeep with her dishtowel. A cowed expression creeps across the barkeeps face. He walks back over to Ricmo and Freddy

"Girls say you have something of a name" says the barkeep. Freddy smiles "a bit, a bit, among a certain set" he replies.

"Says you will be a big draw"

"The biggest" says Ricmo. "It'll be huuuuuge"

"Ok, could be I have a room that will work. This is the deal. Free room and board, but none of the take, that all goes to the House"

Soon the party plus a monkey, a cat and a foul mouthed parrot regroup in their top floor room at the Hightower Arms.  

"That castle is locked up tight" says Dakhir. "Couldn't even see inside the walls really". 

The party discuss their situation. They quickly agree that a frontal assault on the castle was out of they question and that they need to proceed by stealth. Normally they would start questioning the local townsfolk, spreading some gold around, however the Valorian Night Watch's take on Mr. Skulks counterintelligence skills has them pretty spooked. Too risky. 

"I have an idea" says Whisperleaf

"This isn't going to be like the two headed crocodile is it?" says Lightbringer. "Because that required a LOT of Mithras's grace to save you and you still have scars"

"No no, well maybe somewhat like that but still it's a good idea and it will certainly get us a good look inside the castle anyway"

"What THE FOOOOOOOK" said Dirty Bird

And that is how the druid Whisperleaf, shapechanged into the form of a small spider, ended up riding the back of a parrot on a mission of aerial reconnaissance.

That Fucking Pelican

Back at the inn. "That worked surprisingly well" said Whisperleaf

"Fuck you" said the parrot.

"We learned a lot of useful things" said Whisperleaf

"Fuck you with a serrated two handed sword up the ass. You cocksucker." said the parrot

"Didn't know that Quickcap mage had a Pelican for a familiar for instance"

"I really fucking hate that pelican" said the parrot

"A pretty aggressive pelican I must say. Clearly on some kind of patrol pattern. Clearly not a fan of parrots".

"Someday I am gonna roast and eat that Pelicans balls while it watches" said the parrot.

The druid quickly briefed them on the castle layout, coaching Freddy in creating a lifelike illusion of the castle and grounds. 

Really hard to get in their "said Ricmo studying the illusion. "Ton of siege weapons on those walls, guards everywhere Jesus, paranoid much Baron?. Marius nodded. "Towers and sentries have all the approaches locked down, courtyard is well lit. Those soldier guys look alert too, training and all that." she observed .

"Could be an entrance from below the water over by that seagate, sewer drainage or something." said Ricmo. "Also want to see if maybe we can sabotage that warfleet from underneath. Think me and my necklace of adaptation are gonna take a little sea stroll.

A few hours later a very cold, sodden and somewhat dispirited Halfling briefs the party. 

"Well the good news is that we can totally jam the rudders on those warships from underneath. Wouldn't be obvious either, not until you set sail" said Ricmo

"So was there a tunnel?" said Dakhir

"Oh yes indeedy. right under the seagate. Big old underwater tunnel. Hard to miss. Had a portcullis but the lock wasn't much".

"So where did it go?"

"Up on a slant about 30 feet then hard right turn. That's when I must have triggered the trap. Second portcullis dropped behind me cutting me off from the ocean."

"Shit" said Marius

"No worries" I think , "gotta find where it goes to anyway. Except it only goes to a wall with some words carved on it, total dead-end"

"What did the words say"

"Only an idiot has a secret tunnel leading into their castle. Signed Mr Skulk"

"That's when I heard the divers hitting the water, Musta been an alarm along with the trap. Good thing I still have those get big / get little pills Red Alice gave me. Managed to slip through the portcullis and sneak past them. Hopefully they think it was a fish"

"I hate that cock sucking bastard Skulk" said the parrot. "Gimma a cracker, you fuck"

"This place gets fog". said Marius the Ranger suddenly. "Very serious fog. At night off the mountain. Not sure every night but most nights. That could help. And a strong wind off the mountains rolling the fog down over the town. A wind that could blow a stolen ship out to sea".  

The party considered the information. 

"Still pretty hard to get over those walls undetected, and we still don't even know where Firebeard is" said Dakhir. "We need intel on the inside of that tower. We need to find where he is being held"

"I have an idea" said Whisperleaf.

This time they all groaned. Even the monkey. 

And that is how, later that evening, while Freddy and Ozraeline were rocking the house to that Valorian Sound, Whisperleaf the Druid, shapechanged into a spider, found himself once again on the back of a parrot. 

"Not getting any closer you pencildick" the parrot screeched over the wind. "That bastard pelican is DOWN THERE. This is close enough"

"We're still 500 feet above the tower I can't make it from this far" said Whisperleaf in a reasonable tone. "I'll end up in the ocean. Closer"

"Fuck you" said the parrot but he swung around, and made another pass over the tower, this time only 200 feet above it's tip"

"Closer!!!" said Whisperleaf

"FUCK YOU" said the parrot "One more, and that's it, I'm going home"

One more pass. And the spider jumped. 

Hurtling down a thousand feet from the ground, Whisperleaf ruminated on the fact that silk jumping turned out to be more difficult then he would have thought. Sure, the spider was light, the silk worked fine as a parachute, but it was the steering that proved difficult. Like for instance, landing on the tower was clearly not going to happen at this point. The wind wafted him at an angle where the battlements passed a good 20 feet away. The keep now, maybe if he spilled some air he could just make the keep....

A few hours later a very tired Whisperleaf walked back into the room at the Hightower Arms.

"So how did it go?" asked Dakhir. "Is there a dungeon?"

"Oh yes" said Whisperleaf. Under the first floor. Can't miss it. "Two stories of basement and then a trapdoor, concealed but not too hard to find." Trapdoor goes into one foot deep alcove filled with spear traps and an engraving on the wall that says "I hope you are having a nice day. Mr. Skulk.

"With a little more searching I found the secret door. Better concealed but still enough room for a spider to slip through. Another dead-end filled with gas traps and a carving on the wall "Better luck next time, Mr. Skulk".    It took me over an hour to find the last secret door, down the well shaft. Very well hidden. Hard to get into. Large room filled with machinery which I think would have caved in the well and maybe the second floor on the basement. Another carving. "I admire your persistent, Mr. Skulk"

Then I made my way up the tower.  Bottom floors are mostly soldier stuff, barracks, weapons, ammo, stores

Then there is a throne room

it was empty this late at night

Few more tower floors, supplies and barracks and things. Then you come to what I think is the Baron and Baroness's room

Next room looked like the Baron's study and wouldn't you know it the whole crew was there. The Major, Blackscar, Quickcap The Baron and Baroness, and what can only be our friend Skulk. Arguing up a storm. Should they attack Saltmarsh now (Blackscar wants to)? Wait for the Lady Jezebel (That was the Major)? Would that be an overextentension and should they just bide their time and build up their strength (that was Skulk's advice). Arguing away. Evidentially Firebeard hasn't broken at least, that's good news. 

And at the very top, Quickcap's room"

" But  it isn't the top floor that was the most interesting" said Whisperleaf a slow smile on creeping over his face. "It's what I found in the room below that"

Who should I find sitting welded into a cage with no doors, then the good Captain himself,. Firebeard!"

OOOOOOOOOK said Blundermonkey


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