Writing Assignment 2: Chapter 1: The Salty Seafarer

It all started in a bar Ricmo set his empty beer mug down, leaned back in his chair, and put his bare, hairy, halfling feet up on the rugged wooden table. He heaved a contented sigh and resumed picking his nails with his long dagger. Good beer, good times. The Salty Seafarer was one of his favorite dives in Valoria, and Ricmo was something of a connoisseur of dive bars. The city had a lot of drinking establishments, and he’d seen the inside of most of them, so he felt he had an informed opinion on the subject. For one thing, Old Salty not only had pretty good beer on tap, at a very reasonable price, but there was a smattering of halfling sized furniture scattered around the joint, beaten up, but rugged and serviceable. The room was dimly lit by the sputtering torches, dimly lit enough to offer a modicum of privacy, but not so dimly lit as to prevent him from noticing anyone thinking to sneak up on him. It was big enough you could usually get a table. And most important...