The Problem with Paladins

Those had to be the two toughest halflings Ricmo had ever seen, and he'd seen some fucked up, mean ass halflings in his day. They were tatted head to toe, and their scars had scars, Ricmo could hardly see what color their original skin had been. Even their faces were tattooed, each had a teardrop tattoo under their left eye in addition to runes and symbols. He was pretty sure those 16 hash marks on one of their arms was a kill counter. They were lean, solid muscle, dressed in dark leathers and heavily armed with a plethora of small, sharp weapons. They lounged against the wall inside Rough's General Store , like quietly coiled murder, while Whisperleaf and Dakhir talked to Samuel Rough, the proprietor. One lazily picked his nails with a long dagger, but other then that they were perfectly still, except for their eyes. Their gaze missed nothing, constantly scanned their surroundings, keeping watch on the cliental of the store. The teardrop tattoo gave it away. Kneebiter...