King of Terror


Ricmo was enjoying the Wyvern steak. In Valoria this was the kind of delicacy that only the most wealthy could afford, and he was pleased to find for once, it wasn't overrated.

The sailors of the Lady Jezebel, under the direction of Tello, and with the magical assistance of Whisperleaf, had been busy.  A peninsula of dunes near the sea had been chosen for the temporary camp. Whisperleaf had used his magic to raise an earthen rampart, sealing the peninsula off from the jungle, and the sailors had felled trees to construct a palisade along the top of it. It was pretty impressive for a days work, it certainly wouldn't stop any of the larger Thunderlizards but it should keep the smaller ones at bay. 

Tello had exercised the ingenuity that the Artificers were known for and had in a flurry of effort somehow constructed an adhoc distillery that was truly a wonder to behold, all cauldrons and steam and brass pipes. The Lady Jezebel didn't have a kitchen anymore, but the rum distillery was ready to distil, assuming they could acquire the sugarcane

And this was a good thing because the booze was running low. Vincent's supplies had bought them a few more days, but only a few. The magical construct knowns as Jack Tar's consumed the stuff at a prodigious rate, and no one wanted to see what happened if they were deprived of it. 

And finally the Wyvern had been skinned and butchered. Not only had it yielded a large amount of savory meat (which was now being smoked and salted to replenish their supplies) but Whisperleaf had carefully removed the poison sacs located above the stinger, which, if they could find a skilled alchemist, could be used for a number of magical purposes. 

In addition the leather they had acquired from the great beast was being cured in the hot tropical sun. Wyvern leather had a reputation for making armor far finer then could be manufactured from any mundane source.

The sea had also yielded other bounty, the lagoon was rich in fish and a great haul was drying in the sun. 

"The camp has certainly coming together" Ricmo thought. "And it would equally certainly come apart, once some of those larger lizards figured out there was food here. "  He frowned. Hopefully Freddy's spell would take care of that, but Freddy needed a nights sleep to be able to cast it, and in the meantime they were vulnerable. In hindsight it probably would have been better to let Freddy take his rest first, and delay constructing the camp until after he was ready to protect it, but that would have meant abandoning the corpse of the Wyvern to the jungle.

And honestly they hadn't really thought of it until after construction was well under way. 

Merus was on watch at least, up in one of the hastily constructed wooden towers. They only had to hold out one night, and then Freddy assured them he'd make this entire spit of land vanish from the senses of the jungle predators.

One night.


When the King of Terror came out of the bamboo thicket, it was near dawn. He came fast and the sound of his footfalls shook the ground like thunder.

He was big. Big and fast. 20 feet tall at least and fifty feet long, and he still moved with an astonishing speed. He opened his great mouth to roar, displaying a mouth filled with five foot long razor sharp teeth

Merus called a warning and drew her bow, but hesitated. She remembered Vincent's request.

"If something big comes, big enough to overcome the wall, don't fight it, just call me. These creatures are physically mighty but they are just animals. Their minds are weak. Fight them where they are weak not strong. They probably won't even be interested in you. They'll want the meat from that Wyvern "

Rather then fire into the great beast, Merus ducked down behind the palisade. 

With a roar the great lizard bounded over the wall, and over Merus' head, clearing the twenty foot structure with ease. With a great crash it landed on the far side, shaking the ground like an earthquake. 

Where it found Vincent waiting for it.

"One thing about Thunderlizards, at least they are predictable" she thought. "Even more so then humans." 

Vincent stood up as the rampaging monster bore down on her. Fearlessly she waited as it charged her slender frame. She raised her staff, glowing with eldritch power.

"OFF" she commanded. "LEAVE IT!"

The massive lizard skidded to a halt in front of the small woman who had interposed herself in front of the tasty piece of carrion. 

A huge cascade of drool dripped from it's chin, drenching the unfortunate wizard, who scowled in disgust as it soaked her once fine robes.

"Disgusting.” She tried to shake the drool off her hand, to no avail.

“NO!" the half elf thundered again. "NOT YOURS. LEAVE IT".

The giant lizard reared back intending to eat the wizard up in one gulp and then found... it could not. Something was in it's brain, it's small, mad, lizard brain. Something that said "Friend. Mistress. Obey”

But the smell of the meat was also in it’s brain.

Sweat gleamed on Vincent's brow as she focused all her will on the beast. It was harder then she had anticipated. The lizard had the smell of blood, it's nose was running the show as much as anything was. It's mind was barely in control of it's body, and she was barely in control of it's mind.

Vincent redoubled her efforts. Her staff glowed an eerie purple as her will locked with that of the massive lizard.

"DOWN. NO. OFF" she commanded. She had him now, but excited as he was, it was hard to hold him.

The thunderlizard reared it's huge head back, opened it's jaws wide and ... whined. Whimpered almost.

And suddenly Whisperleaf was there, supporting her, verdant green magic pouring from his hands, magic that smelled like freshly cut grass and roses. Magic that calmed.

Freddy joined him, his guitar playing soothing notes, a quieting melody. 

"Goood boy" Whisperleaf  soothed. "It's ok big fella. It's ok."

The lizard fixed it's beady eyes on the druid. It's massive tail began to wag, knocking over a pile of barrels and uprooting a small tree that was unfortunate enough to be in it's way. It whined again. 

It bent it's gigantic head down toward the three figures. Whisperleaf reached over and petted it. And was promptly also soaked in drool.

"That. Is something you don't see every day" said Dakhir to Tello.

Kindness Bridges All

Gaps, needs no interpreter

To be understood

The Tortle replied.


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