Black Alice’s Door

“Oh the door been misbehaving again has it? Aye it does that occasionally. Got a will o it’s own that door.” BlackJack Macafetty greeted them from behind his bar, polishing one of his many mugs, the motion completely ingrained and on autopilot from years of repetition. He appeared almost exactly as they had left him, three months ago when the Lady Jezebel had sailed from the great metropolis of Haven Town and into the wilds of the Northern Reach. “So you lot aren’t actually back in Haven Towne at all then?” “No?” Dakhir replied bemusedly. “We’re at least a thousand leagues away in a town called Puerto Lejos . Or at least I think we are?”. BlackJack looked blank at the name of the town. “Not familiar with Puerto Lejos, so must be quite a ways away.” “Far into the Northern Reach. We were just walking down the Main Street and we saw the door to this Inn. How is that possible?” Dakhir asked. BlackJack shrugged. “Magic. Black Alice’s magic. Or at least my da said it all started...