Never get out of the boat

The Jungle Burned. "At least it kept the thunderlizards off them" Ricmo thought cynically. Much too busy trying to not die in a fire to interfere with the party. And fortunately the prevailing winds were blowing the fire and the stampede of beasts trying to escape it away from the river where the companions were desperately making their way back, The river journey had started off well enough. Freddy had cast his glamour and the entire camp had disappeared, looking for all the world like empty sea. It had been impressive illusion, and seemed to work splendidly at discouraging the various creatures of the island from interfering with the resupply operations the industrious sailors had begun. Resupply was moving along nicely, the only thing that had been missing was sugarcane for the rum, so early one fine tropical morning Freddy, Whisperleaf and their new companion Vincent had loaded up with spells that bewitched the mind and overthrew the senses, and ...